How to earn money with us!
Welcome to the affiliate program!
Our Affiliate program is a great way to earn some easy income from us, without any up front costs or major work on your part.Some Good Things to know:
We pay 10% of every sale in commission to you, Except for AT&T LTE Accounts.AT&T LTE accounts pay you $5/month per client, forever until they are no longer a customer with us.
The minimum amount to request a Payout is $1
Commissions are held for 45 Days after the initial order to ensure everything goes ok with the sale
Heres how to get started
Step 1:
You will need to register on our Billing Portal at
Most of this information is not required, Only name, and email address.
However when we make a payout we will need to collect more information for legal purposes.
You will need to verify your eMail Address to proceed.

Step 2:
Once you have registered your account and verified your eMail address, You will need to activate the affiliates page. Click on Affiliates at the top.Then simply click the Activate Affiliates Account Button.

Your Affiliates page should look like this now.

This page can be used to help track your earnings and order payouts once you hit the minimum of $1.00.
You can alternatively hand out your unique affiliate link to earn a commission on sales, however your customers will not get any discount.
Step 3:
Click the Affiliate Vouchers button to view currently available vouchers and to create your own promo code.The page will look like this

Scroll to the bottom to create your own promo code:

Give out your Promo code to anyone and when they use the code in checkout, theyll get the associated discount.
Our system will automatically link the sale to your affilaites account just because they used your unique code.
If you see the following message, your affiliates account was not activated, and you need to repeat step 2.